Online applications, bookings and payments
View your property rates and report a property, park, roadside or public space maintenance problem.
Consents, licenses and bookings
View and manage your applications and park bookings.
Inorganic bookings
Book and view your inorganic booking.
Make a non-rates payment

Make a payment

Make a payment for Booking Invoice
Before applying for a consent

Deposit calculator

Building consentPre-application guidance

Resource consentPre-application guidance
Apply for a consent

Resource consent

Building consent
Book a building inspection

Inspection booking
Apply for a licence

Dog registration

Health and hygiene

Food licence

Street trading

Portable and temporary signage exemption

Licence to keep animals

Alcohol licence

IQP annual insurance

Rates payments

Rates direct debit payments

Rates email notices

Object to your property valuation
Property information products

Building Consent List subscription

Resource Consent List subscription

Resource Consents Custom Report

Contaminated Land Report

Dog registration renewals
Infringements (fines)

Property information products

Land Information Memorandum

Property file product
Services for Solicitors

Solicitor's statement of account
Waste Service
Request a bin service

Find another product

Sports park application