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Report a problem at our facilities, venues, parks or beaches

Rīpoatahia he raruraru i tētahi o ō mātou urunga, whare, papa rēhia, tāhuna rānei

Use this form to report maintenance problems at our facilities and venues or in our parks, reserves, and beaches.

You should know

Before you start

You will need to let us know:

  • the location of the problem
  • details of what the problem is.

You can upload up to three photos to help us assess and prioritise the problem.

Login or register to save details and track the progress of this problem.

To report problems that are:

  • causing immediate risk or harm to people or property, call 09 301 0101
  • relating to a dog attack, aggressive behaviour or roaming, call 0800 462 685
  • illegally dumped rubbish (more than 240 litres or 4 rubbish bags). Call us on 0800 NO DUMP (0800 663 867) at any time day or night.

Your privacy

We will use the information you provide in this form for the intended purpose of your interaction with us, and possibly training purposes. For more information, see our privacy policy.

It will take about five minutes to complete this form.

five minutes to complete this form.

Insert title here

Track reported problems

We provide a secure online service to make it easier for you to keep track of reported problems.

You can login or register for an online account to track our progress.

myAUCKLAND login